Configure Edge View via ZEDEDA CLI



This document details the steps involved in configuring Edge View via ZEDEDA CLI.


  • Ensure that Docker zcli container is running.
  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions and credentials to authenticate against your enterprise.


  1. Check if 'edgeviewAllow' is set to False.
    • zcli project show <PROJECT_NAME> --edgeview
  2. Create a new JSON file to enable Edgeview.
    • vi enable-edgeview.json
  3. Add the following content:
    • {
         "type": "POLICY_TYPE_EDGEVIEW",
         "edgeviewPolicy": {
             "edgeviewAllow": true
  4. Update the project:
    • zcli project update <PROJECT_NAME> --policy-config=edgeview:enable-edgeview.json
  5. Check if 'edgeviewAllow' is set to True.
    • zcli project show <PROJECT_NAME> --edgeview
  6. Enable Edgeview on Edge Node to create a remote session.
    • zcli edge-node start-edgeview <EDGE_NODE_NAME>
  7. Check if the run script is created:
    • ls
  8. From your local host terminal, download the run script that was created.
    • docker cp <CONTAINER_ID>:/home/zcli/<SCRIPT_NAME> <DESTINATION_FOLDER>


Additional information

The Edgeview session can be terminated with the following command:

zcli edge-node stop-edgeview <EDGE_NODE_NAME>

A full list of the commands that can be executed can be found here.

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