
What's new (User Facing)?

This note captures ZEDEDA CLOUD Release 9.4.0:

  • Entitlement support extended to track per integration type usage and limits
    • Enterprise entitlements already included the tracking of 3rd party integration usage. With ZEDEDA CLOUD release 9.4.0, the entitlement capabilities have been extended to track 3rd party integration usage per-integration basis.
    • For new enterprises created starting release 9.4.0, the default total number of integrations is 100, and the default limit per integration type is 10.
    • For existing enterprises:
      • The total number of integrations is set to 100 or the sum of the currently in-use integrations, whichever is greater.
      • The limit per integration type is set to the current usage count
  • API: CSRF token has been made optional
    • Before 9.4.0, any API requests to the ZEDEDA CLOUD required the presence of a CSRF token. This was an unnecessary requirement as ZEDEDA CLOUD is not susceptible to CSRF attacks due to how it handles authentication tokens. The requirement for CSRF token presence complicated the integration of the ZEDEDA API into existing API tooling and frameworks.
    • With release 9.4.0, a CSRF token has been made optional, easing new API integrations while maintaining backward compatibility for existing integrations.
  • API support to create/read/update/delete PCR templates
    • Measured boot relies on using TPM Platform Configuration Registers to record the fingerprint of the system and system software being loaded. Remote attestation is the process of a challenger (EVE node) validating these fingerprints by an attestator (ZEDEDA CLOUD). PCR templates are the construct by which the ZEDEDA CLOUD captures approved/valid fingerprints.
    • With release 9.4.0, create/read/update/delete (CRUD) API support has been added for PCR templates. The new API endpoint is: /v1/sysmodels/id/{id}/pcrtemplates.
    • Click here for the relevant Swagger documentation.
    • Click here for more details on the Remote Attestation process.
  • Ability to self-sign up on the community ZEDEDA CLOUD instance
    • ZEDEDA is maintaining a cloud cluster for community usage. With release 9.4.0, a self-sign-up workflow has been added, easing the onboarding of new community users.
  • VCO plugin liveliness verification support
    • 9.4.0 adds the capability to periodically validate the liveliness of the VCO plugin remote API endpoint and the validity of the configured API token.
  • Entitlements/allowedEnterprise API response improvement
    • The entitlements/allowedEnterprise API endpoint has been extended with the ability to order the enterprises by name.
    • Example: /v1/entitlements/allowedenterprises?next.orderBy=enterprisename:[asc|desc]

Deprecated Features

There are no deprecated features in this release.
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