ZEDEDA servers


This guide explains how to configure your EVE-OS image or instance to connect to particular server, rather than the default server.

ZEDEDA enterprises are each hosted on a single server. Many of our servers host more than one enterprise, but some host only one. Additionally, some of our servers are dedicated to non-production uses, such as running demos.

The following instructions explain how to configure your EVE-OS image or instance to connect to ZEDEDA's GMWTUS server. If you would like to connect to a different server, you can use these instructions, but substitute your sever path in place of "zedcloud.gmwtus.zededa.net".


  • You'll need to know the url of the server you want your EVE-OS instance to connect to.
  • You'll need to have Docker application installed.


Configure your EVE-OS image

In the following procedures, we will reconfigure EVE to point to ZEDEDA's GMWTUS server, which we often use to demonstrate our platform. We will replace the default ZEDEDA URL (the "server") with this value: zedcloud.gmwtus.zededa.net

The Pre-Install procedure explains how to configure an EVE-OS image. The Post-Install procedure explains how to reconfigure EVE-OS if it's already running on your edge device.


When you're installing EVE OS onto an edge device, the first step is to download an EVE-OS image. You can instead create your own with a custom server endpoint. To do so, follow the steps for your local operating system.

These procedures will give you a ".raw" file. That is your EVE-OS image. Substitute it for the default EVE-OS image in the installation procedure.

macOS and Linux

  1. cd $HOME
  2. mkdir eve-overrides
  3. echo zedcloud.gmwtus.zededa.net > $HOME/eve-overrides/server
  4. docker run -v $HOME/eve-overrides:/in --rm lfedge/eve:latest installer_raw > installer.raw

Windows OS

  2. mkdir eve-overrides
  3. echo zedcloud.gmwtus.zededa.net > %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\eve-overrides\server
  4. docker run -v %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\eve-overrides:/in --rm lfedge/eve:latest installer_raw > installer.raw


The following post-install procedure uses EVE commands to reconfigure EVE.
  1. Access your edge node's CLI. To remotely connect to your edge node, see our Edge View Documentation.
  2. eve config mount /mnt
  3. vi /mnt/server
  4. eve config unmount /mnt
  5. Reboot your node to enable your reconfiguration.
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