How to use ZEDEDA API

The ZEDEDA API is a powerful way to interact with the ZEDEDA platform. The following procedures explain how to get started with it.


Get your session token

  1. Go to the ZEDCLOUD GUI.
  2. Click on your user profile icon.
  3. Hover over your username and then click on User Details.
  4. In the Session Information section, click on Click here to request the session token.
  5. Copy your token.


  1. Go to the Swagger webpage:
  2. Click on Authorize.
  3. Enter your session token in the Value field. Make sure to type bearer:
  4. Click on Authorize.
  5. Click on Close.

Try one of our APIs

  1. Select the desired API.
  2. Click on Try it out.
  3. Click on Execute.
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