Get a custom EVE-OS image

This guide describes how to customize an EVE-OS image to point to a particular ZEDEDA Cloud server. The following procedures show how to do so using the URL for ZEDEDA's demo server:

In the procedures below, replace with the URL of the server you want to use.

At the end of this guide, you'll find a link to the next step in the installation procedure: flashing the installer image that you get here to a drive.

Choose one of the following procedures according to your local operating system.


Docker must be running on your machine.

If you plan to install EVE-OS onto a Raspberry Pi (ARM) device, ensure that it meets the following hardware requirement:

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with at least 4G
  • MicroSD card (16GB or larger recommended)

MacOS and Linux Chain_link_icon_slanted.png

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Ensure you are in your preferred directory for this operation. This procedure assumes HOME.
    cd $HOME
  3. Make an eve-overrides directory, which will contain your server endpoint configuration.
    mkdir eve-overrides
  4. Set your server endpoint by writing its URL to a text file named "server".
    echo > $HOME/eve-overrides/server
  5. For x86 devices:
    docker run -v $HOME/eve-overrides:/in --rm lfedge/eve:latest installer_raw > installer.raw
  6. For RPi (ARM) devices:
    • docker run -v $HOME/eve-overrides:/in --rm lfedge/eve:latest-arm64 live > live.img
    • Copy and save the serial number string that is output when you run this command. You'll need to enter the serial number into the Serial Number field when you onboard your device to ZEDEDA Cloud. It will look something like this.
      • 681cc64f-6633-49f3-988c-b0afde4a25fc

Next steps

You are ready to flash your EVE-OS image to a bootable drive. To do so, see our guide to flashing an EVE-OS image.

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