Release 13.2

New in ZEDEDA Cloud Release 13.2

ZEDEDA Cloud versions

  • ZEDEDA GUI: 13.2.1
  • ZEDEDA API: 13.2.2

New features: 

  • Display NTP status: This capability was introduced in the previous release as beta and has now been released as GA. For edge-nodes running EVE 12.6.0 or higher, ZEDEDA cloud will now report NTP status information

  • Cost for app-shared interfaces: To date, cost could be configured on management adapters to select the primary/backup interfaces for an edge-node to communicate with the cloud platform. With this Cloud release a cost property can also be associated with ‘app-shared’ network adapters. This is part of a future capability to allow multiple interfaces per network instance, so that you will be able to set a preferred interface based on lower cost, whether it’s based on price/bandwidth/etc.

Enhanced features: 

  • Aggregation of notifications for bulk-operations: certain operations like deletion of multiple jobs, resulted in a status notification for each completed action. This has been enhanced to aggregate the result in a single notification to the user.
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