

User is a standard construct that interacts with various touch-points within the system using unique accounts. A user often has a user account and is identified to the system by a username. Individual users can be assigned one of the available roles so that they can perform specific activities through the zCLI or the ZedUI. Currently, ZEDEDA Cloud supports username/password-based logins as well as OAuth schemes. All the operations done on the system are recorded against the user and will be captured in the audit trail.
User creation and deletion can be performed by someone who has access to have the corresponding CRUD access for the user permission group. In ZEDEDA Cloud, the system admin can perform create, monitor, update, and remove operations with the user's permission.
Note: ZEDEDA will create only one user as part of creating a new enterprise. For Azure, no need to create a user.

Access ZEDEDA Cloud

ZEDEDA Cloud is one central control center for management and monitoring all your assets, applications, and resources. There are 2 ways to access ZEDEDA Cloud:
  • A web-based Graphical User Interface. The web portal is available at
  • A command-line interface called zCLI is available as a docker image. Click here to get the details of zCLI.


Realms support on Sign Up page

Realms can be a domain or a sub-domain for the enterprise users to log in (email/username). Multiple realms are supported currently. For example, the same enterprise can have and based logins supported even through SSO. After filling in all the details, click on the sign-up button.
Once a user is created, the following activities can be performed by the user:
  • Activate
  • Deactivate
  • Delete
  • Reset Password
The user can also edit the first name, last name, email address, and the role to which they are assigned.

Change Password

This option is useful when you want to change your existing password. As soon as the password is changed an email is sent to the user notifying that password is recently changed.
  • Step 1 > Click on the Profile (Profile_icon.png) icon on the top navigation bar.
  • Step 2 > Select the user to display the user Details and Change Password screen.
  • Step 3 > Click on 'Change Password'.


You get the following screen where you have to enter the current password, the new password, and also confirm the new password.

Forgot Password

You can use the Forgot Password flow to reclaim your credentials should you lose them. As you provide the username in the forgot password screen and click on 'Send Reset Instruction', you will receive an email with the reset link. This action can be performed by any user who doesn't remember the password.

Reset Password

In case the user is not sure of the password, they can request the system admin to reset the password on the behalf of the user. Now, the user receives an email with the reset link. More details about the reset password are discussed under the 'Delete' operation.

List View

After you log in to the ZEDEDA GUI:
  • Step 1 > Click on the Administration (Administration_icon.png) icon.
  • Step 2 > Click on 'Users'.
  • Step 3 > Click on the expand (Expand_Panel_icon.png) icon to view the summary panel.
Summary Panel shows the total number of users as 'User Statistics', 'User Role Distribution', and 'Top Active Users (24 Hours)' widgets in the donut view. You can hover around these donuts, to get the number in each distribution.

Detail View

  • Step 1 > Click on any of the users in the list view to show the detailed view of the same.
  • Step 2 > A temporary tab (temp_user.png) is created navigating you to the detailed view of the selected user.


The detail view has tertiary navigation with the 'Basic info' and 'Activity Logs' tab. This view also has operations such as 'Activate', Deactivate', 'Delete', and 'Reset Password', which are discussed under the 'Delete' operation.

Operations Using ZedUI

The following are the user operations:


The create operation can be performed in the 'Users' list view only. After you log in to ZEDEDA, create a user using the following steps:
  • Step 1 > Click on the Add (Add_icon.png) icon
  • Step 2 > Populate the input field values for the 'Identity' section, with user-specific details.
  • Step 3 > Select the Role you want to assign to this particular user. Various permissions for the selected role are displayed with the CRUD details.
  • Step 4 > Click on the 'Add' button.
  • Step 5 > When you click on the 'Add' button, a toast message appears as shown below:
User: has been added.
  • Step 6 > You can see that the new user is added to the user list view.
The user is created successfully!


The read operation can be performed in the user's detailed view only. After you log in to ZEDEDA, click on the Administration (Administration_icon.png) icon on the top right corner and select 'Users' to go to the list of already available users. Click on any of the users in the list view to show the detailed view of the same.
The read view shows the 'Basic Info' and 'Activity Logs' sections.

Basic Info


a) Identity

Shows the details which are populated when the user is created under the create operation.

b) Notification

Shows the details about the mode of notification either as an email or mobile, when the user is created under the create operation.

Activity Logs

Activity logs capture the details such as user login date and time, severity, description, etc along with the summary of the entries.

Update (Edit)

The update/edit operation can be performed in the user's detailed view only. After you log in to ZEDEDA, click on the Administration (Administration_icon.png) icon and select 'Users' to go to the list of already available users. Click on any of the users in the list view to show the detailed view of the same.

Basic Info

Update/edit an App Image using the following steps:
  • Step 1 > Click on the Edit (Edit_icon.png) icon.
The 'Basic Info' section allows you to update/edit most of the fields, as seen in the screenshot.
  • Step 2 > Update the editable fields of 'Identity' section.
  • Step 3 > Update the 'Notification' section appropriately.
  • Step 4 > Click on 'Submit' button.
  • Step 5 > When you click on the 'Submit' button, a toast message, announcing the successful submission appears below:
User: has been updated.
The user is updated successfully!


The delete operation can be performed in the user detail view. After you log in to ZEDEDA, click on the Administration (Administration_icon.png) icon on the top right corner and select 'Users' to go to the list of already available users. Click on any of the users in the list view to show the detailed view of the same. if you no longer require the user, you could delete the user using the following steps:
  • Step 1 > Click on the More (More_icon.png) icon on the top right corner.
  • Step 2 > From the dropdown, select 'Delete'.
  • Step 3 > Click the 'Confirm' button on the modal dialogue which appears as below:
Deleting these 1 User(s) will permanently remove the data about these user(s) from management platform.
Note: There is no way to reclaim the data, after the delete operation is performed.
  • Step 4 > When you click on the 'Confirm' button, a toast message, announcing the successful submission of the delete request of the user appears.
User: has been deleted.
The selected user is deleted successfully!
Other user operations which can be performed at the detailed view are as follows:

Reset Password

After you log in, click on the Administration (Administration_icon.png) icon and select 'Users' to go to the list of already available users. Click on any of the users in the list view to show the detailed view of the same. You could do the reset password using the following steps:
  • Step 1 > Click on the More (More_icon.png) icon on the top right corner.
  • Step 2 > From the dropdown, select 'Reset Password'.
  • Step 3 > Click the 'Reset Password' button after entering the desired password and confirming the same password, on the modal dialogue which appears as below:
  • Step 4 > When you click on the 'Confirm' button, a toast message, announcing the successful submission appears.
Password for was reset successfully!


After you log in to ZEDEDA, click on the Administration (Administration_icon.png) icon and select 'Users' to go to the list of already available users. Click on any of the users in the list view to show the detailed view of the same. You could activate the user using the following steps:
  • Step 1 > Click on the More (More_icon.png) icon on the top right corner.
  • Step 2 > From the dropdown, select 'Activate'.
  • Step 3 > When you click on the 'Activate', a toast message, announcing the successful submission appears. was successfully activated.


After you log in to ZEDEDA, click on the Administration (Administration_icon.png) icon and select 'Users' to go to the list of already available users. Click on any of the users in the list view to show the detailed view of the same. You could deactivate the user using the following steps:
  • Step 1 > Click on the More (More_icon.png) icon on the top right corner.
  • Step 2 > From the dropdown, select 'Deactivate'.
  • Step 3 > Click the 'Confirm' button on the modal dialogue which appears as below:
You are about to deactivate 1 User(s) after which they will no longer have access to the management platform. The access can be re-enabled through the 'Activate' option.
  • Step 4 > When you click on the 'Confirm' button, a toast message, announcing the successful submission appears. was successfully deactivated.
Note: Activate and Deactivate operations can be performed for multiple users from the user's list view.

Operations Using zCLI

To login to ZEDEDA Cloud through zCLI, see here.


You can create a user using the following command:
zcli> zcli user create <name> [--password=<password> | /
--public-key-path=<pubkey>] --role=<role> --email=<email> /
[--firstname=<firstname>] [--lastname=<lastname>] /
[--locale=<locale>][--notify-pref=<notify-pref>...] /
[--phone=<phone>] [--time-zone=<time-zone>]

Read (Show)

You can use the following command to see the created user details:
zcli> zcli user show [[[<name>|--self | --uuid=<uuid>] [--detail]] | /
[[--salesforce-id=<sfdc-id>] [--hubspot-id=<hub-id>] [--name-pattern=<name-pattern>]]]
For example, the show command for the user displays the following output:
zcli> zcli user show
User Email FullName Role
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------ Admin AAGFABCFc6p2XtZBGISdXrrSPmMm John Doe AAGFABAx0bu0T6ZKj7u0DDFyD7I0 ztest ztest AAGFABCFc6p2XtZBGISdXrrSPmMm

Total 3

Update (Edit)

You can update a user using the following command:
zcli> zcli user update [<name>|--self] [--firstname=<firstname>] /
[--lastname=<lastname>] [--locale=<locale>] [--salesforce-id=<sfdc-id>] /
[--hubspot-id=<hub-id>][--notify-pref=<notify-pref>...] [--phone=<phone>] /
[--time-zone=<time-zone>] [--email=<email>]
You can change the user credentials using the following command:

Change Credential

zcli> zcli user change-credential (--old-password=<old-password> /
--new-password=<new-password> | --new-public-key=<pubkey>)
You can reset the user credentials using the following command:

Reset Credential

zcli> zcli user reset-credential <name> (--new-password=<new-password> | /


You can delete a user using the following command:
zcli> zcli user delete <name> [-f]
Note: -f is to forcefully make the delete request to the ZEDEDA Cloud, without prompting the user.
User operations are successfully executed!
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