Import Models


The administrator can add Models, and Edge Apps for their own enterprise so that these are available to all users to be used in projects.
In this section, we will see how to Import Models of Brand of choice from the global Models Marketplace to your local enterprise.

Import Models to Enterprise

After you log in to the ZEDEDA GUI:
  1. Click on the Marketplace (Marketplace_icon.png) icon to go to the Marketplace. You will see two secondary tabs called 'Edge Apps' and 'Models' on the top, with 'Edge Apps' being selected by default.
  2. Click on the 'Models' tab. This page shows the top panel, which shows the models available for your enterprise, and the lower panel shows the models which are already there in your enterprise if any.
  3. Click on the expand (Expand_Panel_icon.png) icon on the top panel, to expand the panel, to expand the top panel.
  4. List of 'Brands' on the left-hand side, which could be used to filter out the brands you are interested in importing to your enterprise.
  5. The middle panel shows a 'cards carousel' view of the available models.
  6. Click on the right side arrow to see the next set of models.
Every card shows two types of icons on the right top corner.
A tick (Card_Tick_mark.png) on the card means the particular model is already imported to your enterprise
An Arrow (Card_arrow_mark.png) on the card means this model is not yet imported to your enterprise.
Once you have chosen the model you want to onboard:
  1. Click on the card, to see a detailed view of that model.
  2. Click on the 'Import Model' button on the top right to import the model to your enterprise.

Detailed View of a Model

On successfully importing the model to your enterprise: click on the card to view the details of the model.
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