
What's new (User Facing)?

Following ZedUI Parameters are Supported:
  • While Onboarding Edge Application—Starting with ZedControl Release 5.17.0, the following ZedUI parameters are either added/changed. These settings are part of the ‘Custom Configuration’ section:
    • Addition of 'Dropdown' in the 'Variable Type' list under 'Variable Definitions'—While onboarding the Edge Application to the respective enterprise, with any type of edge application, 'Dropdown' is added in the dropdown list of Variable Type parameter.
    • Label Rename from ‘Is Variable Group Required’ to ‘Show Always’ under 'Variable Definitions'.
    • Rendering Variable Group Condition under 'Variable Definitions'—Render definitions are based on variable groups defined. Render a particular group if the variable name is set to a particular value. And only when that value is selected while deploying an application instance, the particular variable group is rendered. The 'Show Always'checkbox is checked by default. You can uncheck the checkbox to see the 'Show If' parameter being displayed. The 'Show If' parameter needs to have details of the rendering group variables accordingly.
  • While Deploying Edge Application Instance—Starting with ZedControl Release 5.17.0, the following ZedUI parameters are either added/changed:
    • 'Dropdown' consumption and rendering Variable Groups in the 'Custom Configuration' step of the deploy edge application instance wizard—Based on the values the user is selecting from the dropdown list, the form generator is using the relevant bits of the variable groups, pulling in the schema for that and then auto-generating the form elements for that.

Deprecated Features

There are no deprecated features in this release.
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