
What's new (User Facing)?

Rancher Integration Plugin Support—Starting with ZedControl Release 6.8.0, the Rancher plugin is integrated with ZedUI. You can now create an integration plugin for Rancher where the user can mention Rancher connection details.
[Look Enterprise].
Cluster Instance Automatic Onboarding Support—Starting with ZedControl Release 6.8.0, the user can automatically onboard the cluster in Rancher from ZedControl. Previously, while creating a cluster instance, the user manually created a cluster object on Rancher and then onboard a cluster instance.
Auto Network Instance Creation Support—Starting with ZedControl Release 6.8.0, while creating a cluster instance, the user can create a network instance automatically on all of the devices that are part of that cluster instance pool.

Deprecated Features

There are no deprecated features in this release.
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