An offline profile server is a feature that lets the user manage the applications running on an edge node through a server application on the same node.
Offline Profile Server
- This server application lets the users bring up/halt multiple sets of applications.
- This way, multiple applications that require particular physical peripherals (e.g., GPU, USB) can be accommodated in the same Edge Node. Whichever applications are brought up (one at a time) uses that peripheral.
- It lets the user manage the applications when the device is offline, i.e., when its management interface is down.
- Effective utilization of resources like Memory, CPU, and storage. An as different set of applications can run on the same node at other times
- The operations supported through a profile server are View Edge Node information, View Application statuses, STOP applications, PURGE applications, and POWER OFF the Edge Node.
- Profile server takes precedence over ZEDEDA Cloud while managing the applications.
- Only applications part of a profile are managed through the profile server. Other applications are not.
- Offline Profile Server API doc:
Deploy Applications using Offline Profile Server
To deploy an application using an offline profile server follow these steps.
- Create Network Instance for an app-shared network interface.
- Tag the Edge Node.
- Deploy Offline Profile Server.
- Deploy Intended Application Instances.