General outline
- Find an appropriate Ubuntu Server cloud image
- Create Data Store
- Create App Image
- Create Marketplace App
- Apply custom cloud-init configuration
- Assign username/password
- Network configuration
- Install your app?
- Apply custom cloud-init configuration
- Deploy VM to the edge node
Find an Ubuntu Cloud Image
Explore Long-Term Stable (LTS) release images
For x86 (AMD64) EVE-OS edge nodes, select: 64-bit Cloud image
Example Release Images
Focal Fossa (20.04) :
64-bit Cloud Image
ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img 2022-05-30 22:53 568M Cloud image for 64-bit computers (USB image)
SHA256 specific to this image link:
103ae8982d79891e7fb5321260dbd7e924ec2021d7357872d0c65e3231466d23 *ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
Download the file to get exact image size in Bytes:
Downloads % ls -l
-rw-r--r--@ 1 kathy staff 595197952 Jun 7 10:54
Jammy Jellyfish (22.04)
64-bit Cloud Image
ubuntu-22.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img 2022-06-04 02:39 598M Cloud image for 64-bit computers (USB image)
SHA256 specific to this image link:
8120f574303fbc99d6ee3c8bacede5881d9968f730bb45fdab7cb457078afb1e *ubuntu-22.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
Download the file to get exact image size in Bytes:
Downloads % ls -l
-rw-r--r--@ 1 kathy staff 626655232 Jun 7 10:45
The above image links and associated file size and SHA256 values will be required for the next two sections of creating a data store and an app image.
Create Data Store
Navigate to Library > Data Stores
Click + to add a new Data Store
Complete the required fields that identify the location of Ubuntu cloud image releases, then click “Add”.
Example input data:
Name: ubuntu-cloud-images
Title: Ubuntu Cloud Image Releases
Description: Ubuntu images are located at
Type: HTTP
Path: releases
Create an App Image
Navigate to Library > App Images
Click + to add a new App Image
Complete the required fields that identify the specific Ubuntu cloud image, then click “Add”.
Example input data:
Name: Ubuntu-Focal-20.04
Title: Ubuntu Cloud Image Release Focal 20.04
Description: Full image path is
Image Format: QCOW2
Image Architecture: AMD 64
Data Store: ubuntu-cloud-images
Image Relative URL: focal/release/ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
Image SHA256: 103ae8982d79891e7fb5321260dbd7e924ec2021d7357872d0c65e3231466d23
Image Size: 595197952 BYTES
Create Marketplace App
Navigate to Library > App Images
Click + to add a new App Image
Select the app type (in this tutorial example, select “Virtual Machine”).
Fill in the form to provide application information and policies (or upload a JSON manifest):
- Identify the app image (created in the previous step)
- Apply network policies
- Configure #cloud-init (optional)
- Document the app creator, applicable licensing, and support options
Example input data:
Name: ubuntu-20.04-focal
Title: Ubuntu 20.04 Cloud Image
Description: LTS Ubuntu Cloud image for AMD 64 (x86) architecture edge nodes
Category: Operating System
Version: 20.04
Deployment Type: Standalone
VNC Connection: Yes (checked)
VM Mode: HVM
License: (optional)
Resource: Typical
CPUs: 2
Memory: 1.00 GB
Storage: 100.00 GB
Drive Type: HDD
Target: Disk
Tag: (optional – used to point to block volume instance tied to a content volume instance)
App Image: Ubuntu-Focal-20.04
Max Size: 100 GB
Mount Path (optional – more useful for containers)
Encrypted: Yes (checked)
Purge: Yes (checked)
Name: eth0
Direct Attach: No (unchecked)
Outbound Rules
Outbound Host or IP:
Protocol: Any
Port: Any
Action: Allow
Rate: Not Available
Burst: Not Available
Inbound Rules
Protocol: TCP
Edge Node Port: 8022
Action: Map
Edge App Port: 22
Rate: Not Available
Burst: Not Available
Inbound IP Address:
Protocol: TCP
Edge Node Port: 15600
Action: Map
Edge App Port: 15600
Rate: Not Available
Burst: Not Available
Inbound IP Address:
Environments (continued)
Name: eth1
Direct Attach: Yes (checked)
Adapter Type: Ethernet
(In this case, the edge node MUST have its corresponding interface assigned as “App Direct”.)
When might you want to use this option? If the port will be used for more complicated networking than the usual sending/receiving ethernet packets. For example:
- SR-IOV capable NIC
- Edge Node interface configured as a Wi-Fi access point or Wi-Fi router
- EVE-OS doesn’t have the device driver for the NIC
- App requires a custom device driver (e.g., legacy industrial ethernet)
Name: eth1
Direct Attach: No (unchecked)
Outbound Rules
Outbound Host or IP:
Protocol: Any
Port: Any
Action: Allow
Rate: Not Available
Burst: Not Available
Inbound Rules
Add Custom Config Template: Yes (checked)
Configuration Name: user-net-app-inits
Allow Edge App deployments to set the entire configuration. No (unchecked)
Allow Storage Resize: Yes (checked)
Variable Delimiter: ###
Configuration Template:
#cloud-config |
Variable Groups
This section contains optional variable value definitions that can be input at the time of app deployment, such as enabling the static IP address to be assigned at the time of application deployment. For example, the cloud-init networking section might look like this:
… # set one port to dynamic and one to a static IP address |
Deploy App to EVE-OS Edge Node
Notes on cloud-init
Doc resources to help with cloud-init configs for networking:
Open cloud-init file “/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/subiquity-disable-cloudinit-networking.cfg” and make sure entry “network: {config: disabled}” is there. In case this entry is missing, then add it manually.
$ cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/subiquity-disable-cloudinit-networking.cfg
network: {config: disabled}
$ ip add show
# Add a user with ubuntu/ubuntu credential and sudo permission
- name: ubuntu
gecos: ZEDEDA ubuntu user
shell: /bin/bash
lock_passwd: False
passwd: $6$7TwC/VLEFz$2vZHtieAvauw.KGLnIEkGAKuXgMtOxjROTk0rs/s25ZTiJcUPKN5gvlm68kq0PiU8GT7RnCBmXIpJi7TfoiC9/
- sed -i -e '/^PasswordAuthentication/s/^.*$/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- service sshd restart
# set one port to dynamic and one to a static IP address
version: 2
dhcp4: true
addresses: []
# gateway4:
# nameservers:
# addresses: [,]
# routes:
# - to:
# via: a.b.c.d
# metric: 3
- sudo netplan apply