Getting started FAQs

Who are we?
ZEDEDA is the leader in management and orchestration for distributed edge computing. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What does ZEDEDA do?
ZEDEDA provides a comprehensive, efficient, and intrinsically secure solution for managing and orchestrating your distributed edge infrastructure and edge applications. We bring the convenience and capacity of the cloud to the edge. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What is ZEDEDA Cloud?
ZEDEDA Cloud is a cloud application designed to remotely orchestrate and manage both hardware running EVE OS and your edge computing applications running on EVE OS. You can interact with ZEDEDA Cloud through a graphical user interface, through a command line interface, or through an API. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What is the difference between ZedControl and ZedCloud?
Both of these terms are deprecated. ZedCloud has been replaced with ZEDEDA Cloud, and ZedControl has been replaced by ZEDEDA GUI. ZEDEDA Cloud is a suite of ZEDEDA-managed microservices that orchestrates EVE nodes. The ZEDEDA GUI is an interface to ZEDEDA Cloud. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
Do I need a license for every Edge Device?
Yes. Contact us for more information about our licensing structures. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
How can I try ZEDEDA Cloud and EVE by myself?
To try ZEDEDA Cloud for a free 30 day trial period, sign up for our demo cluster. When you’re ready to move forward with ZEDEDA, refer to our Getting Started documentation and, to migrate your trial enterprise to a production cluster, contact support. If you want to try working with EVE before you try ZEDEDA, refer to the Eden documentation in the EVE Github repository. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png


What is an enterprise?
An enterprise is a ZEDEDA customer’s user space on ZEDEDA Cloud. A ZEDEDA customer may have a single enterprise or more than one enterprise. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
Which ports should be allowed by my edge node's firewall?
Port 443 must be open for your edge node to connect to ZEDEDA Cloud. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What’s the difference between Edge Apps and Edge App Instances?
Edge applications are essentially blueprints (templates) for edge app instances. Edge apps are created in the ZEDEDA Marketplace, and once an edge app has been deployed onto an edge node, it's called an edge app instance. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What do the activate, deactivate, and reactivate commands do for Edge App Instances?
When you activate one of your edge applications, you are starting a virtual machine (VM) or container on the application’s edge node. When you deactivate an edge app, you shut down the VM or container. The reactivate command will restart an active app’s VM or container. It can only be used when your app is active. Note that these terms are also used for edge node operations, but their meanings are not the same in that context. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What is a cluster instance?
In ZEDEDA Cloud, a cluster instance refers to deploying and operating a Kubernetes Cluster. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What are third-party integrations?
Third-party integrations are applications and platforms that work with ZEDEDA Cloud but which are not developed or maintained by ZEDEDA; only the interaction between the two is supported by ZEDEDA. A notable example of such a third-party integration might include the integration between Microsoft Azure and Kubernetes. For more information about ZEDEDA integrations, see our Help Center Integrations documentation. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png

Edge Management FAQs

What does onboarding and off-boarding mean?
Onboarding an edge node is the process of enrolling it into a project in your enterprise. After you install EVE-OS onto your edge node, it will not yet be in the ZEDEDA system. To remotely manage your applications using ZEDEDA, you need to complete the onboarding process. For more information, see our Onboarding Edge Nodes guide.
Off-Boarding an edge node detaches it from its enterprise and enables you to migrate that edge node to another enterprise, retaining its volume instances, fully intact.Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What do activating and deactivating an edge node mean?
When you deactivate an edge node, its controller will no longer communicate with it. Deactivation does not power down the device, or offboard it. When you activate a device, its controller will communicate with it. When an edge node is deactivated, the edge node will still try to contact its controller, but it will be ignored by its controller. An edge node that has been deactivated can't send monitoring data to ZEDEDA Cloud, nor can it receive configuration updates. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
What’s the difference between “serial number” and “soft serial number”?
Your edge node's serial number is a hardware identification number given by its manufacturer. In contrast, your edge node’s soft serial number is an identification number generated by EVE-OS during EVE’s installation. The soft serial number can be used in cases where the hardware serial number is not known. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png
Where can I find the soft serial number?

The EVE-OS installer process displays a soft serial number on the command line before it terminates. If the image is running from a writable media, such as a USB drive, it will also display the soft serial number in the INVENTORY partition. The soft serial number will appear in a new folder, and the folder name will be the same as the soft serial number. Another way to display the soft serial number is by running the Linux command:  cat /config/soft_serial from the console. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png

What is a hardware model?

A hardware model is a digital blueprint of a physical device, detailing the specifications, features, and capabilities of the model. This "digital blueprint" includes information about that hardware model, such as the CPU, RAM, storage, I/O ports, and port configurations. ZEDEDA Cloud uses disparate hardware models to help recognize and manage the many devices available on the market. Chain_link_icon_slanted.png

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