
What's new (User Facing)?

Support for K3S Cluster Management Features—Starting with ZedControl Release 6.5.0, you can integrate Kubernetes infrastructure orchestration at the Distributed Edge. Complete lifecycle management of Kubernetes clusters on selected Edge Node group. Monitoring and Troubleshooting of these remote clusters are also possible using the ZedControl. The user is given easy-to-use options to activate and deactivate the select cluster. The Logs from each of these edge nodes are available to the user on the cloud controller.
Support for Interface Cost Markers Support—Starting with ZedControl Release 6.5.0, the costing function for Interface is added. The input box takes any numeric value from 1 to 256. 1 being the lowest and 256 being the highest. Users could choose any number range of their choice to indicate the low cost per unit data transfer, medium cost of the interface, and high cost of the Interface.

Deprecated Features

There are no deprecated features in this release.
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