Use ZEDEDA CLI to Manage a Network Instance


A network instance (NI) enables network connectivity for edge applications, allowing them to connect with external networks and other apps on the same node. This article explains how to manage NIs using the ZEDEDA CLI, including creation, updates, and deletion commands, with examples for each action. 


ZCLI is running.

This is a series of articles. You will likely follow them in this order.

  1. Network Instance Overview 
  2. Create a Network Instance 
  3. Manage a Network Instance 
  4. Use the ZEDEDA CLI to Manage a Network Instance - You are here!

Create a Network Instance

Create a network instance from the ZCLI.

zcli network-instance create <name> [--title=title] (--edge-node=<edge-node> | --edge-node-cluster=<edge-node-cluster>) [--default] [--port=port] --kind=[switch|local|cloud] --ip-type=[v4|v6] [--subnet=<subnet-id>] [--gateway=<gateway>] [--domain=<domain>] [--ntp=<ntp>] [--nameserver=<dns>...] [--dhcp-range=<range>] [--static-dns=<hostname:ip-list>...] [--config=<path>] [--tags=<key:value>...] [--mtu=<mtu>] [--static-routes=<path>]
Single Node Example:
zcli network-instance create MY-NET-INST --edge-node=MY-NODE --kind=local --ip-type=v4 --port=uplink
Edge Node Cluster Example:
zcli network-instance create MY-NET-INST-CLUST --edge-node-cluster=MY-CLUSTER --kind=local --ip-type=v4 --port=uplink

View a Network Instance

After you create network instances, you can view them.

zcli network-instance show [[[<name> | --uuid=<uuid>] [--detail] [--raw]] | [[--edge-node=<edge-node> | --edge-node-cluster=<edge-node-cluster>] [--name-pattern=<name-pattern>] [--summary] [--page-size=<page-size>] [--project=<project>] [--state=<state>] [--tags=<key:value>]]]
All Example:
zcli network-instance show
Single Node Example:
zcli network-instance show --edge-node=MY-NODE
Edge Node Cluster Example:
zcli network-instance show --edge-node-cluster=MY-CLUSTER

Update a Network Instance

After you create a network instance, you can update it whenever things change.

zcli network-instance update <name> [--default] [--port=port] [--title=title] [--subnet=<subnet-id>] [--gateway=<gateway>] [--domain=<domain>] [--ntp=<ntp>] [--nameserver=<dns>...] [--dhcp-range=<range>] [--static-dns=<hostname:ip-list>...] [--config=<path>] [--tags=<key:value>...] [--mtu=<mtu>] [--static-routes=<path>]
zcli network-instance update MY-NET-INST --ntp=

Delete a Network Instance

After you add a network instance, you can delete it if you no longer need it. If you don’t use the -f option, you’ll be prompted to confirm. 

zcli network-instance delete <name> [-f]
zcli network-instance delete MY-NET-INST -f

Next Steps

This is a series of articles. You will likely follow them in this order.

  1. Network Instance Overview 
  2. Create a Network Instance 
  3. Manage a Network Instance 
  4. Use the ZEDEDA CLI to Manage a Network Instance - You are here!

After you’ve completed the series, you might be interested in the following articles. 

  1. See Network Instances: a use case for an example of using adapter labels to implement multi-path routing with failover and port-forwarding restrictions.
  2. Deploy the edge application instance on the edge node to instantiate the app.
  3. Manage edge nodes and manage edge apps.
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