Deploying an edge application instance


This guide describes how to deploy an edge application (app) to one or more edge nodes.

When you deploy an app, you create an instance off that app, referred to as an edge app instance.


To deploy an edge app instance, you must first access the Edge App Wizard. From there, you can follow the Wizard's prompts to complete your deployment.

Access the Edge App Instance Wizard

  1. The Wizard can be accessed within the ZEDEDA GUI in the following ways:
    • The Dashboard's Quick Links widget.
    • Edge App Instances List View:
      1. Click on Edge App Instances in the left-hand side nav.
      2. Click on the + button in the upper right corner
    • Marketplace Card View:
      1. Hover over Marketplace and click Edge Apps.
      2. Use the Deploy icon on an Edge App card.
    • Marketplace Edge Application detail view:
      1. Hover over Marketplace and click Edge Apps.
      2. Select an edge app card.
      3. Click the Deploy button, on the upper right corner

After you deploy your edge app instance, a notification will show the status. If successful, it will then appear in the list view with its run state indicated by a colored dot.

Additional information

Deployment Status Indicators

  • Green: The instance is functioning correctly.
  • Red: The instance is stopped.
  • Blue: Configuration details received and processing.
  • Yellow: Suspect state if no communication for 3 minutes.
  • Purple: Invalid or unknown state.
  • Grey: Other reasons not specified in the table.
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