This article describes how to add a module as an edge application type.
Note that modules are particularly useful if you're familiar with the Azure IoT hub. Modules offer a similar experience within the ZEDEDA ecosystem.
To add a module, follow these steps.
- Log in to the ZEDEDA GUI.
- Hover over Marketplace on the left side nav and click on Edge Apps.
- Click on the icon + to create a new edge app.
- Select Modules as Edge App Type.
- Fill in the Identity section. Note the following fields.
- Name: This value can't be changed later.
- Version: Provide the version of your edge application.
- Fill in the Drives section. Choose an existing image or upload one as instructed in our guide to Edge App Images
- Fill in the Container Options section.
- Configure the module containers at runtime. This includes control over resource access and networking configurations.
- Fill in the Module Deployment Details section.
- Module Deployment Template: You can deploy modules on Azure IoT devices using a deployment manifest, which allows for multiple routes and environment variables in a single setup. Each module has a settings section with the module image, container image address, and startup configuration options.
- Routes: You can define routes for communication between modules, the IoT Hub, and leaf devices. Routes with the same priority are processed in the order they arrive. Routes without a specified priority get the lowest priority.
- Fill in the Developer Info section. Note the following fields.
- Agreement: A place to include specific agreements about services offered or standards complied with.
- Support Description: Add relevant support contacts or instructions.
- Click Add to add the modules edge app.
- Verify your new addition by checking for it in the ZEDEDA Marketplace.