How to add a module as an Edge App Type


This article describes how to add a module as an edge application type.

Note that modules are particularly useful if you're familiar with the Azure IoT hub. Modules offer a similar experience within the ZEDEDA ecosystem.


To add a module, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the ZEDEDA GUI.
  2. Hover over Marketplace on the left side nav and click on Edge Apps.
  3. Click on the icon + to create a new edge app.
  4. Select Modules as Edge App Type.
  5. Fill in the Identity section. Note the following fields.
    • Name: This value can't be changed later.
    • Version: Provide the version of your edge application.
  6. Fill in the Drives section. Choose an existing image or upload one as instructed in our guide to Edge App Images
  7. Fill in the Container Options section.
    • Configure the module containers at runtime. This includes control over resource access and networking configurations.
  8. Fill in the Module Deployment Details section.
    • Module Deployment Template: You can deploy modules on Azure IoT devices using a deployment manifest, which allows for multiple routes and environment variables in a single setup. Each module has a settings section with the module image, container image address, and startup configuration options.
    • Routes: You can define routes for communication between modules, the IoT Hub, and leaf devices. Routes with the same priority are processed in the order they arrive. Routes without a specified priority get the lowest priority.
  9. Fill in the Developer Info section. Note the following fields.
    • Agreement: A place to include specific agreements about services offered or standards complied with.
    • Support Description: Add relevant support contacts or instructions.
  10. Click Add to add the modules edge app.
  11. Verify your new addition by checking for it in the ZEDEDA Marketplace.


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