Add a rootfs EVE-OS image to your ZEDEDA Cloud enterprise

This guide describes how to get a new EVE-OS rootfs image and how to add it to your ZEDEDA Cloud enterprise.

Before you read ahead, you may want to be familiar with the content in our EVE-OS images overview.

After you obtain your EVE-OS rootfs image, you’ll find instructions for the two ways that you can add it to your enterprise: uploading and uplinking.

Uploading refers to copying an EVE-OS rootfs image from your local machine to one of your datastores.

Uplinking refers to associating an EVE-OS image entry in an enterprise with an EVE-OS rootfs image that has already been uploaded to a datastore.

No matter which procedure you follow, you’ll end up with a new EVE-OS rootfs image available to you in your enterprise.


You must have Docker running.


Available approaches

At this time, you can only add an image to ZEDEDA Cloud using the ZCLI.

Limitations of uploading

For security and reliability purposes, uploading is supported only for ZEDEDA-managed datastores. This support is provided as a convenience to ease onboarding.

If you try to upload an image to a non-ZEDEDA-managed datastore, you’ll see an error similar to the following:

Image upload to datastore of type DATASTORE_TYPE_SOMEVENDOR not supported.

Warning: Do not use ZEDEDA-managed datastores in production environments. ZEDEDA can’t guarantee the availability of your artifacts if you do so.

Get a new rootfs EVE-OS images Chain_link_icon_slanted.png

This procedure will set you up to successfully complete the uploading and uplinking procedures. 

When you upload or uplink an EVE-OS image, it must be a rootfs image (not an installer image, such as what you would use in our standard EVE-OS installation procedure).

To get a rootfs version of EVE-OS, follow these steps. Both templated and specific example commands are given.

  1. Choose the version that you want to add to your enterprise. For a list of current LTS versions of EVE-OS, check our guide on EVE-OS LTS releases.
  2. Open your terminal and navigate to your preferred working directory. This directory will contain your EVE-OS rootfs image when you’re done.
  3. Pull and generate a new EVE-OS rootfs image. The following example uses 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64. You can also simply use “latest”.
    docker run --rm lfedge/eve:EVE_VERSION rootfs > IMAGE_FILE_NAME.img
    e.g.: docker run --rm lfedge/eve:11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64 rootfs > 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64-rootfs.img

Upload a rootfs EVE-OS image Chain_link_icon_slanted.png

To upload an EVE-OS rootfs image, follow these steps. Both templated and specific example commands are given.

  1. Log in to the ZCLI.
  2. Create an EVE-OS image entry in your enterprise. Warning: The IMAGE_NAME value must match the version that you specified when you downloaded the image in the previous procedure. In this case, for example, 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64. Additionally, the image format for rootfs images should always be RAW.
    zcli image create IMAGE_NAME --arch=AMD64_OR_ARM64 --datastore-name=DATASTORE_NAME --type=Eve --image-format=RAW --title=IMAGE_NAME
    e.g.: zcli image create 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64 --arch=AMD64 --datastore-name=Zededa-AWS-Image --type=Eve --image-format=RAW --title=11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64
  3. Upload your EVE-OS rootfs image.
    zcli image upload IMAGE_NAME --chunked --path=PATH/TO/IMAGE_NAME
    e.g.: zcli image upload 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64 --chunked --path=./11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64-rootfs.img
  4. Verify that you can see your new image entry in your enterprise. Look for “Status: Ready” in the output.
    zcli image show IMAGE_NAME
    e.g.: zcli image show 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64

To uplink an EVE-OS rootfs image, follow these steps. Both templated and specific example commands are given.

  1. Log in to the ZCLI.
  2. Create an EVE-OS image entry in your enterprise.  Note that the image format for rootfs images should always be RAW.
    zcli image create IMAGE_NAME --arch=AMD64_OR_ARM64 --datastore-name=DATASTORE_NAME --type=Eve --image-format=RAW --title=IMAGE_NAME
    e.g.: zcli image create 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64 --arch=AMD64 --datastore-name=Zededa-AWS-Image --type=Eve --image-format=RAW --title=11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64
  3. Uplink your rootfs image.
    zcli image uplink IMAGE_NAME --datastore-name=DATASTORE_NAME --image-sha=SHA_256_VALUE --image-size=IMAGE_SIZE_IN_BYTES
    e.g.: zcli image uplink 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64 --datastore-name=Zededa-AWS-Image --image-sha=629595dda5afec054c5d5fad485da3e6068994a7001534a4eaee5170696aa8f4 --image-size=232476160
  4. Verify that you can see your new image entry in your enterprise. Look for “Status: Ready” in the output.
    zcli image show IMAGE_NAME
    e.g.: zcli image show 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64

Next steps

To update your edge nodes with your new rootfs EVE-OS image, first check out our guide to marking an EVE-OS rootfs image as latest. Then, move on to our guide to updating edge nodes with a latest image.

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