This guide describes how to manage your enterprise’s latest EVE-OS images. You’ll find instructions for viewing which images are currently marked as latest; for marking a new image as latest and for removing a latest image.
Before you read ahead, you may want to be familiar with our EVE-OS images overview.
You must have an EVE-OS image in your enterprise. If your enterprise doesn't have one, read our guide about adding an EVE-OS image to your ZEDEDA enterprise.
Versions of EVE-OS marked as latest in your enterprise are not necessarily the latest versions of EVE-OS available. You need to track EVE releases and add new versions to your enterprise.
When you add an EVE-OS image to your enterprise, ZEDEDA Cloud does not automatically mark it as the latest image. You need to do that explicitly every time that you want a new latest image.
Your enterprise can have a latest image for each architecture compatible with EVE-OS. They don’t have to be the same numbered version of EVE-OS.
View latest EVE-OS images for your enterprise
- Log in to the ZEDEDA GUI.
- Hover over Library on the left side nav.
- Select EVE-OS images.
- Open the Summary panel at the top of the page.
Your latest images will be displayed here. Look for the orange arrow, pointing to the file name.
Use the ZCLI
- Log in to the ZCLI.
- Print the latest AMD64 or ARM64 image to your terminal.
zcli image show --latest=AMD64_OR_ARM64
Mark an EVE-OS image as latest
At this time, you can only mark an image as latest using the ZCLI.
Use the ZCLI
- Log in to the ZCLI.
- Mark your target EVE-OS image as latest.
zcli image mark-latest IMAGE_NAME --image-arch=AMD64_OR_ARM64
e.g.: zcli image mark-latest 11.0.5-lts-kvm-amd64 --image-arch=AMD64
- Verify that you have a new latest image by viewing your latest images.
Removing a latest EVE-OS image
Images marked as latest can’t be deleted. if you want to delete an EVE-OS image that's marked as latest, you must first mark a new image as latest.
If you try to delete an EVE-OS image that is currently marked as latest, the operation will fail and you’ll get the following error.
Image delete failed: Conflict
[Error DependencyConflict: Dependent Entry exists]
[Error DependencyConflict: Image 7.4.1-kvm-amd64 is marked as latest image for AMD64, can't be deleted]
To delete an EVE-OS image, see our guide to deleting EVE-OS images.
Next steps
If you want to update your edge nodes with your new latest image, see our guide on updating edge nodes with the latest version of EVE-OS.